In this post, we’re talking about the fourth and final of the four laws of content marketing, which is to track the right results. (If you missed the first, second or third laws, go back and check those out!)

When it comes to content, depending on the industry, things like clicks, engagements, and views become

In this post, we’re covering the third of the four laws of content marketing. (If you missed the first and second laws, go back and check those out!)

The third law is “Shared Success,” and what this primarily means is that there is a relationship between all of your marketing activities and your content. But

In our last post, we shared the first of four laws of content marketing, which is that Content is King. This post will cover the second law of content marketing, which is to focus on people, not search engines. What that means is this idea that we’re so overly focused on search engines, and not

You’ve probably heard the statement “Content Is King” before. But do you know why?

Here’s the thing about content. Because everyone engages your content no matter where they come from — leads, referrals, people that are in your existing network, colleagues, people that find you online — no matter where somebody comes from or how

When we pitch email newsletters to our clients, we’re often met with the verbal equivalent of an eye roll. You know the arguments: “Nobody wants another email in their inbox,” “No one is going to read my email newsletter,” and “I hate getting email newsletters — when I do, I put them in the trash

Content is king, right? If your website and social media profiles are stagnant and haven’t been updated in a while, you’re losing out on thousands of dollars in business. Why? Because people are looking for information.

We believe the content you produce should include evergreen, practical information that your visitors can come back to over

One of the concerns we hear most often from clients is that they fear their content is becoming repetitive, boring, or monotonous. They’ll come to us wondering if it’s okay, for example, that the same blog appeared twice on their website, or that we linked the same video several times on their Facebook page. They’ll