People get weird around election season, especially when it comes to how they spend money on their business development. Marketing (and new marketing investments) come to a screeching halt. People have their eyes on the economy and a “wait and see” approach to what happens with the election.
But why? There’s an odd misconception that the presidential election negatively impacts consumer spending. It doesn’t.
So why do so many law firms stop spending on marketing around this time every four years? Logically speaking, regardless of the outcome, the election isn’t going to negatively impact your business. For those who practice hot-button areas like tax or immigration, you could pounce on the uncertainty of it all and push your marketing into overdrive.
The truth is that your firm can’t afford for you to take your foot off the gas pedal when it comes to your marketing and generating new business. Even if you have a full caseload right now, you’ll get through that work eventually and have to replace it with…less? Nothing at all?
Lawyers classically get themselves into these peaks and valleys where they alternate between the stress of having more business than they can handle to the panic of not having enough to make payroll. It starts here, by reducing (or eliminating) your marketing spend, only to fire it back up full throat after the election, only to drown in work, only to stop marketing until you can breathe, only to panic when you have to pick your marketing back up again because you don’t have any work.
While other industries may have valid reasons to worry during an election cycle, lawyers do not. Your services will ALWAYS be in need. Invest in your marketing TODAY. The world will keep spinning on November 6th, regardless of who won the election.