Sleep. We all know it’s important. But, there is so much to do and no time to do it. Where do we steal the time? From our sleep, right? We tell ourselves that we can function on 6, 5, or 4 hours of sleep. We’re kidding ourselves—we can’t. Watch Matt Walker’s TedTalk and you may
Paula Black
“I help lawyers who want to take their practice to the next level… more clients, more credibility and more fulfillment in life.”
We Can’t Control What Happens, But We Can Control Our Response
This article originally appeared on
Life can feel totally out of control sometimes. This year has been difficult for many reasons — political turmoil, economic chaos, a global pandemic — and I know that many people are feeling helpless and out of control.
I understand this feeling. It’s been a challenging year for me,…
Marketing Strategy vs. Tactics— What will you choose?
You may have marketing efforts in place for your firm, but is it a cohesive strategy? Do you have ongoing systems in place to ensure a regular stream of business?
On Center Stage, Danny Decker talks about the mistakes he’s seen lawyers make with their marketing, why email is so under-utilized, and the downsides of
Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
This article originally appeared on
Your thoughts have the power to shape your reality, for better or for worse, whether you realize it or not. Henry Ford is often credited with saying, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.” There’s so much truth and wisdom in that statement.…
How to Speak so That People Want to Listen: Julian Treasure
Being able to speak powerfully is a skill we can all use. Whether you are speaking to colleagues, partners, clients, or your spouse and kids. Julian shares his Seven Deadly Sins of Speaking and most importantly, tips that will help you be a better speaker so that others will listen—he delivers on his title.
Four Steps To Find True Happiness In Your Life
This article originally appeared on
What does happiness mean to you?
Healthy relationships? A good job? Time spent with your family?
The truth is, there are as many definitions of happiness as there are stars in the night sky because happiness looks different for each of us.
But here is something we all share…
How to Motivate Yourself to Change Your Behavior: Tali Sharot
Over the years I have written about change hundreds of times—in this and other blogs, articles, speeches and not to mention 1000’s of hours I talk with my clients about change. As humans, we seem to be programmed to resist change, even when we want to change. Here is a great TEDTalk by Talia Sharot,…
Live With Purpose: How to Find Your ‘North Star’
This article originally appeared on
Most people, in my experience, don’t take the time to think about what fuels them, what guides them and what they were put on this planet to achieve. Life has a way of keeping us distracted and focused only on the moment. Day after day and week after week,…
Are You Committed Or Are You Just Interested?
This article originally appeared on
Management expert Ken Blanchard is credited with saying, “There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”
So, I ask you: When you set goals for your career…
Change. What Will You do—Resist or Embrace?
Change is uncomfortable, and most often, it will happen with or without your participation. Will you embrace it, or will you resist it? Could it be an opportunity for growth? Consider for a moment—What if it is an opportunity for growth and you pass on it? Seth Godin has an interesting perspective…
“The windmills aren’t…