Are you struggling to charge what you deserve? Raising your rates can be tricky, and right now, it might seem particularly tough or even insensitive to consider given the constant complaints about inflation and rising costs. However, not only do you deserve to be paid well for your work, but ensuring you can charge a

You’ve probably been here before: You deliver a major victory for an important client—one that exceeds expectations. You’re happy for them, but you’re especially excited about what the big win may represent for you: more business, more notoriety, more happiness!

But it doesn’t happen. Not only does the client decline to send referrals to your

You may have marketing efforts in place for your firm, but is it a cohesive strategy? Do you have ongoing systems in place to ensure a regular stream of business?

On Center Stage, Danny Decker talks about the mistakes he’s seen lawyers make with their marketing, why email is so under-utilized, and the downsides of

Think about how consultations usually go at your firm. What talking points do you and your team bring into those meetings? If your answer is “who we are, what we do, and the cost of our services,” there is a fundamental flaw in your consultation model keeping you from converting clients: You’re selling yourself instead

A few months ago, a Spotlight Branding client told us a story that is every lawyer’s worst nightmare. It all started when our client (we’ll call him Justin) got a phone call.

“Hello!” said the person on the other end of the line. “I’m looking for a lawyer who can help me with a family

Think about the last time you went online to order takeout food. How was the experience? Did you put your order in without a hitch, or were you frustrated by the restaurant’s outdated website, malfunctioning plugins, and counterintuitive ordering process? Maybe you even wondered whether they were open at all when a COVID-19 popup from

From the Archives

Your marketing strategy is the key to growing your law firm. If your marketing strategy is stale (or non-existent) you’re not going to fuel the growth you’re hoping for. On the other hand, an effective marketing strategy will help you bring in new clients, generate more referrals, and even help you justify

You’ve probably heard of the four laws of thermodynamics, and maybe even the four laws of love thanks to the famous Jimmy Evans book. But what about the four laws of content marketing? Does that sound familiar?

If not, you’re in luck! Over the next four months in this newsletter, we’ll be going over each