If you listen to the majority of legal marketing companies out there, they’ll likely tell you that the only way people are going to find your law firm is if you appease the Google gods and do a plethora of things to get Google’s attention. But that’s only because they want to sell you SEO
How to Avoid Wasting Your Marketing Dollars
Yes, marketing is expensive. Buying pay-per-click advertising, hiring a copywriter to create compelling content, sending out print mailers — all of these things cost money. That said, the cost of marketing isn’t what frustrates most lawyers. What they hate is worrying they’re spending thousands on the wrong marketing.
It’s an understandable concern, but really, you…
How to Create Blog Posts That PEOPLE Will Actually Read
Oftentimes the trickiest thing about writing blog posts isn’t actually writing them — it’s thinking of something to write about. Topic choice trips up a lot of lawyers. With so much legal knowledge rattling around in your head, it can be tough to know what would appeal to the average reader. But it’s not impossible.
How to Create a Profitable Email Marketing System
Sending out an email newsletter is one of the best ways to stay in touch with your network, build your brand, bring in leads, and generate referrals. This is common knowledge among owners of solo and small law firms, but many of them still don’t hit the send button — why?
If you’ve never put…
How to Nurture Your Leads
Business owners must understand the difference between lead nurturing and lead generation, yet few do. Lead generation focuses on attracting new potential clients to your business, often through ads and SEO. Lead nurturing involves building relationships with people already in your network—like past clients, referral sources, or leads who’ve shown interest—by staying top of mind…
How Artificial Intelligence Impacts SEO
The reason why law firms and other businesses choose to invest vast sums of money in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is apparent. The logic fits. You get on the first page of Google, large numbers of people see you, and you’ll bring in clients. It’s why it’s more than a $20 billion industry in the…
Give (and Give A Lot) Before You Ask to Receive
Before you read anything else, visit our friends over at Spotlight Branding, schedule a consultation, and pay them for marketing service. Did you do it? Probably not. You haven’t gotten anything out of this article yet.
So then why do so many lawyers use social media as nothing more than a digital billboard that…
How to Master YouTube
When you think about search engines, everyone quickly mentions Google, but YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine. It has over 2 billion active users and deserves a place in your marketing plan. It’s a solid platform that allows you to create valuable, educational content that your past, current, and future clients can use. However…
5 Ways to Provide an Excellent Client Experience
Nearly every business claims to provide great client service—maybe even you make that claim (though most consumers don’t rate law firms particularly high on that scale). However, the ability to provide that level of service versus just promising it depends on a number of factors. Foremost is a great client experience. Let’s take a closer…
Share Your Insights for the 2025 Legal Marketing Trends Report!
Hello Legal Marketing Blog reader!
Our friends over at Spotlight Branding are preparing for their 2025 Legal Marketing Trends Report (their 4th edition). This is one of the biggest reports in the legal industry, and they need your help.
Please click here to take the Trends Report survey and share your insight into several areas…