As a business owner, surely you have a master budget that you keep track of and update regularly. For many firms, Marketing may just be a line item and a catch-all for anything marketing-related they plan on doing. However, if you want to better track your marketing’s ROI and take control of how your hard-earned

In the marketing world, you’ll often hear two terms floating around that may seem like nothing more than two ways to say the same thing: A marketing “plan” and a marketing “strategy.” However, there is a very distinct difference.

  • marketing strategy is your overall philosophy towards marketing. It encompasses the various tactics, avenues, etc.

New York City Mayor Ed Koch was well-known for asking a single question, whether speaking to audiences at public gatherings or to reporters, “How’m I doin’?”

June is the middle of the year and a good time to review how you are doing with your Marketing activities.

Conduct a quick audit. Consider how much time

Marketing is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It requires you to think strategically about your time, money, and who you’re marketing to.

Speaking from personal experience, if you don’t think strategically, you risk burning out and wasting a lot of time and money. There are three common mistakes I see lawyers make when implementing a marketing

Think about the last time you went online to order takeout food. How was the experience? Did you put your order in without a hitch, or were you frustrated by the restaurant’s outdated website, malfunctioning plugins, and counterintuitive ordering process? Maybe you even wondered whether they were open at all when a COVID-19 popup from

Open a new tab right now and open up your firm’s social media accounts. Don’t just pull up one — open everything you have, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Now, look at your most recent post. How old is it? Let us guess: It’s older than you’d like to admit.

Hundreds of law firms neglect

From the Archives

Your marketing strategy is the key to growing your law firm. If your marketing strategy is stale (or non-existent) you’re not going to fuel the growth you’re hoping for. On the other hand, an effective marketing strategy will help you bring in new clients, generate more referrals, and even help you justify

In this post, we’re talking about the fourth and final of the four laws of content marketing, which is to track the right results. (If you missed the first, second or third laws, go back and check those out!)

When it comes to content, depending on the industry, things like clicks, engagements, and views become