Throughout the year I try to find Black Pearls, informative resources, that I can pass on to my readers. As I mentioned on Tuesday, here are a few I thought were not only incredibly important to creating and maintaining initiatives, but interesting as well. Enjoy!
Blogs—“Start a blog to grow your practice,” Kevin O’Keefe
Twitter—“Twitter Power,” by Joel Comm
LinkedIn and Facebook—“LinkedIn Group versus Facebook Group,” via Search Engine Journal
Article Posting—“Be A Celebrity in Your Own World,” by Paula Black
Client Service—“Flip the Funnel,” by Joseph Jaffe
Referrals—“Missed Opportunities: Not Asking Clients for Referrals,” by Donna Erickson
And more:
Find A Niche— "Discover, and Market, Your Niche Law Practice" by Ann Macaulay
Looking Outside the Law— "What Bruce Springsteen Can Teach Lawyers about Law Firm Marketing" by Elizabeth Ferris
Your Brand— "Make the Logo Bigger: 10 Rebranding Disasters" by Bianca Male
Video— "The Lawyer’s Video Studio"
Attitude— "If you need to, got to or have to- You won’t" by Cordell Parvin
Email and Newsletter— "5 Reasons Why No One Is Reading Your Email Newsletter" by Sean D’Souza