If you’ve been following this blog for the past year and a half, you probably know that I am constantly handing out ideas for simple (but impactful) initiatives. In an effort to help you get a jump start on 2011’s planning, I’ve decided to take this week to revisit some important initiatives and re-link to

Marketers are always looking for new and innovative ways to create business development opportunities. But what advice should we reconsider?

This week we asked: How long have you been following legal marketing trends and ideas?

1, More than 5 years – 32%

2. 4-5 years – 0%

3. 1-3 years – 9%

4. Less than

Whether you have an in-house marketing professional to help and guide you or not, it’s never a bad idea to look around at what others are doing and suggesting. Finding a marketing mentor is easier than ever these days—social media outlets such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter give us a direct method of communication with