Sometimes it’s important to know and understand what NOT to do. Considering the deluge of information on social media it’s good to have the "Do NOT Do" list. Social Media Today ran an article by Brad Smith, The 3 Worst Ways to Use Social Media to Grow Your Business. I think his points will
Social Media
Legal Business Development: Social Media to The Rescue!
Social Media… There is so much chatter that it is hard to separate the relevant from the not so relevant. But every once in a while we find a nugget of insight. My friend Tom Kane posses a thought provoking question in his blog Legal Marketing… Social Media: The Cure for Institutional Marketing Mentality? …
Legal Business Development: Are You Looking for ROI on Your Social Media?
I was at a conference in San Francisco on Social Media for Lawyers last month. Someone in the back of the room asked the panel members… “What is the ROI on social media?” Dan Goldman, General Counsel for Mayo Clinic gave a brilliant answer. “Let me ask you a question… What’s the ROI on your…
Legal Marketing: Support Your Efforts
You can’t replace face-to-face, but you sure can support it. Here’s what to consider this year.
On Tuesday I mentioned that 2011 should be your year to rebel against social media. But that doesn’t mean throw it away. It just means make smarter use of it. Meet someone at a lunch? Add them to your…
Legal Branding: Measuring the Unmeasurable
Should you risk a major investment in marketing and business development if you can’t measure the results?
This week we asked: How much are you willing to invest in something you may not be able to measure?
1) Nothing. – 35%
2) A small amount…and let’s see what happens. – 50%
3) I’m all in…
Legal Branding: Measuring the Unmeasurable
Should you risk a major investment in marketing and business development if you can’t measure the results?
This week we asked: How much are you willing to invest in something you may not be able to measure?
1) Nothing. – 35%
2) A small amount…and let’s see what happens. – 50%
3) I’m all in…
Legal Branding: The question of ROI
Since we’ve already started our discussion of blogging and social media I thought I would continue on the path this week. And wouldn’t you know it? Both Kevin O’Keefe and Seth Godin (two of my favorite bloggers) were, unknowingly, right there with me. What they were addressing was the inevitable question of ROI. It’s not…
Lawyer Marketing: Lawyers and Social Media
*Special Friday Post
Seeing as though we’ve spent the week discussing the various benefits of social media I was excited to run across this Mashable post entitled: "How Lawyers May Use Social Media in the Future." I think it’s further evidence (no pun intended) that all attorneys need to start considering the topic…and dip a…
Legal Marketing: Facebook Versus LinkedIn…
By now most of us are at least minimal participants in both of these social networking behemoths—but are we making the most of our presence?
This week we asked: Have you ever brought in business from a social networking site?
1) Yes, from friends on Facebook. – 15%
2) Yes, from colleagues on LinkedIn. –…
Legal Marketing: Social Media Marketing
By now I would guess over half of you have seen “The Social Network,” a movie (for those not aware of it) about the creation and subsequent evolution of the phenomenon known as Facebook. I would also guess that more than half of you have personal Facebook pages, mostly used for keeping in touch with…