Thought it may seem scary at first, making the leap into blogging and social media can bring greater rewards than you ever imagined.

This week we asked: When was the last time you took a risk with your marketing and business development?

1) Within the last month – 13%

2) Within the last 6 months

Taking risks is always an integral part of achieving great success. Whether it’s narrowing your client base or simply re-branding your firm, doing something new can often be a little scary. One of the things I’ve found to cause the most anxiety in my attorneys when it comes to marketing and business development risks is

Working with a ghostblogger can be a great, collaborative experience for many busy attorneys–but the key is just that… COLLABORATE!

This week we asked: Do you write your own blog?

1. Yes, every word comes from me – 55%

2. Somewhat, I collaborate with a ghostwriter – 35%

3. No, I give direction but the

Ghostblogging has come under a bit of scrutiny lately (we’ll discuss that on Thursday) but in my mind it’s a great alternative. Better to be a part of the social media world than write off all the opportunities that can arise from it simply because you are afraid of the time commitment. Working with a

Whether it’s a blog or Twitter page, make sure your presence online is a true extension of the personal brand that you’re working to build.

The question this week was: My social media is a [fill in the blank] representation of my personal brand:

Great – 20%
Good – 40%
So-so – 0%
Weak –

Social media has become a major talking point in the realm of marketing and business development. Today, almost every professional has a LinkedIn profile, if not a blog, twitter account and yes, even Facebook page. Whether or not you choose to participate in any of the above, you should know that everything that’s put out