Oh my goodness! How unfortunate.
You obviously must not be a very good lawyer. Or just maybe you were smart enough to fend off the snake-oil-directory salesperson. Sure, some unsophisticated clients may be impressed with your being in the “Best”, “Top”, “Prominent”, “Super”, etc. lawyer directory. Most clients, particularly corporate clients, don’t care, period. They want to know what you can do for them.
IMHO these directories, particularly the “pay-to-play” ones, are worthless. They are a waste of valuable marketing dollars. I could go on and on about why, but I won’t.
Reason: I couldn’t begin to put it as well as one of the brightest legal marketing consultants out there has put it. Ross Fishman of Fishman Marketing has a post today on Attorney at Work entitled “Those Stupid Superlative Directories.” Not only is it an entertaining piece, but spot on. It is a MUST read.
I simply can’t improve on it.
P.S. I got an email from a reporter today asking me to comment on what should be left out of RFPs. Take a WILD guess what one of my suggestions will be.