From the very beginning of this blog, I have urged lawyers to visit their clients (off the clock) at their place of business (also referred to as their “problem space”). It often results in immediate new business. It worked for me, and many attorneys I’ve coached over the years said it worked for them.
That is why when I first posted my Top Ten Marketing Tips in 2005, I made it my No. 1 most effective tactic for getting new business. It still is! And there is no matter tip I can give as we begin 2017.
Below is a post from April 22, 2015 that could serve as a good place to start reading about doing so, and contains a link to many other posts on the topic over the years:
Visit Clients, Period!
Whenever I get writers block, I like to look at my old standby source of inspiration, 365 Marketing Meditations: Daily Lessons For Marketing & Communications Professionals authored by my friend Larry Smith and Richard Levick at Levick Strategic Communications.
As I have preached, preached, and yes preached some more over the past 10 years, the quickest, fastest, swiftest (okay, okay I know ENOUGH already) way to get new business is to visit your clients off the clock. And fortuitously this week, the marketing meditations for Monday through today deal with that very point. They are:
- April 20: “Visit all clients. Visit clients across the street. Visit clients around the world.
- April 21: “Visit clients without an agenda.
- April 22: “She who visits clients comes back with work.”
That really says it all! If you would like to read more of my posts over the years on this topic, look here for several of them.
So, start planning your visits to KEY clients, at least.
For some lawyers, this is like preaching to the choir and may simply serve as a reminder for them. For others, hopefully, you start visiting your clients ASAP.