Just because you keep bios in a consistent format doesn’t mean they have to be carbon copies. Play to your strengths but stick to your brand.

This week we asked: Are your firm bios consistent?

1) Yes – 45%

2) No – 55%

My Thoughts: More than half of you were not convinced that your

Whether it’s bow ties, a bald head or a signature pin, never underestimate the power of your visual identity… it can make you memorable.

This week we asked:
I have a clear visual identity or trademark…

Yes 0%
No  50%
Maybe 50%

My Thoughts: So, no one is clear and we are

Research shows that it only takes two seconds for people to develop a strong first impression. Smart? Likeable? Trustworthy? And it’s all based on the visual. YOUR visual identity, your package, your trademark. Just like a trademark Tiffany-blue box or the bright red of a Coke can… you can create a memorable image as well.

When it comes to law firm marketing and business development your best efforts are only as strong as your brand. Your brand is what the world recognizes (or will come to recognize) when they think of your firm: its visual identity, its message, its voice. From website to letterhead your brand is the first