Another encore post:

December 4, 2005 Posted By Tom Kane 

Ignore Your Friends At The "Business" Holiday Party

Hey, you can get together with your friends anytime. From a lawyer marketing standpoint, you don’t want to waste a networking opportunity talking to your friends passing up the chance to meet or be referred to your next client. Save that for your personal and family gatherings during the iesholidays.

But, at the business holiday function, try to move on to those you don’t know. I don’t really mean to "ignore" your friends and colleagues, but limit your time to saying hello and promising to get together in the new year. At this event your purpose is different, or at least it should be. It’s difficult I know, since most people like to stay within their comfort zone; and that means gathering near the bar with friends, sitting with them while eating, etc. Heck, I’ve done it myself plenty of times. However, from a legal marketing standpoint that is a big mistake.

So, try a different approach this year, and you might just see the business development benefits flow from it early in 2006! 

The same applies to 2010!

Happy Holidays!