With the crush of year-end and the busyness of the holidays, I decided to post an encore of a
holiday post I did on December 18, 2007 on reaching out to clients and referral sources by telephone (at least) during the holidays. Personal attention is better than (but not to the exclusion of) holiday cards.
To Market or Not While on Vacation?
Yes and no. Or maybe. Currently, my personal recommendation is to chill out, and devote your vacation time to family and friends. Lawyers need to unwind, to prevent burnout. But most of all they need to spend quality time with those they love.
Having said that, it isn’t criminal or a mortal sin to get…
Meet and Greet Tips
Networking is no less dreaded by many lawyers than it has always been. But, it doesn’t have to be. Hopefully, a few of my 40-plus posts on this blog about networking over the past 11 years will be useful. A few of which I have highlighted below. They may prove of interest to those who…
Does Social Media REALLY Bring You Business?
A common comment and justification for certain activities in the early stages of legal marketing was “because other firms are doing it.” I believe some firms still cling to that reasoning. Last week Otto Sorts, the curmudgeon of Attorney at Work fame, raised several questions about his firm’s focus on social media as part of…
How to Be Effective at Getting Referrals
Seventy to 90% of lawyers’ business comes because of referrals from clients and other contacts in your network. You are more likely to get more, if you concentrate on enhancing your network.
Mary Taylor Lokensgard has a post on Attorney at Work that provides good ideas on getting referrals. She suggests 3 steps:
1. …
Everything You Need to Guarantee Referrals
Well, that might be an overstatement; but a three-part series by Mary Lokensgard on Attorney at Work presents a good outline of an effective referral system to follow. If you do so there is a good chance that you will be guaranteed referrals. They are not automatic and they require work, but if you’re serious…
Insights for Attending Conferences
What should you consider before deciding whether to attend a conference? The weather? Exotic location? Nah! Although one should not discard those entirely. But seriously, there are things you should consider before deciding whether to attend a conference.
Roy Ginsberg has a helpful post on Attorney at Work today that may help you decide whether…
7 Ideas To Improve Your Networking
Effective networking is more important as the legal marketplace becomes more competitive. A lot of lawyers do not embrace networking and wish they didn’t have to do it. It is not why we went to law school after all. Notwithstanding one’s aversion to networking, it is necessary! So you might as well make networking work…
I’m a Good Listener… What Did You Say?
Actually, I’m not a good listener or at least not as good as I should be. Bad listening isn’t just a malady of lawyers, as it is a common ailment suffered by many, many homo sapiens. With that said, a post by Annie Little on Attorney at Work points a finger at lawyers when discussing…
Collect a Bunch of Business cards….or Not!
As the holidays approach, there will be many opportunities to meet and greet, and collect business cards. One might think the more the merrier. But not so fast, there are reasons to not start a variation on a baseball card collection (some of you may remember when such a collection was a big thing).