Don’t be a snob, and all PR needs to be personal.

That’s it.

Okay, maybe a bit more detail is warranted. The first tip: don’t treat a reporter from an unfamiliar publication as someone to shun, since you may regret it one day when he or she is with a major newspaper.  That comes from yesterday’s marketing meditation from my friends Larry Smith and Richard Levick at Levick Strategic Communications; and states:

“Don’t snub reporters because you’ve never heard of their publications.  They have a funny way of eventually landing at The Wall Street Journal.”

The second tip comes from today’s meditation:

“All news is personal.  The media was never all that interested in unmanned space flights.”

I never thought about that, but it is true. So, remember that real news is about people not your firm or your new location, or cases handled.  It’s about those lawyers who handled those cases.  It’s “personal,” so make sure your public relations thrust is about people.

Both tips are from Levick’s book 365 Marketing Meditations: Daily Lessons for Marketing & Communications Professionals.


Reminder:  If you haven’t yet voted for your favorite legal blog on ABA Journal Blawg 100 Amici, you have until September 7 to do so.  To nominate, go to this page. Again, nominations are due no later than September 7, 2012.

Thank you for your consideration, Tom.