No one is ever REALLY solo… everyone has a team: big or small, on the payroll or contract, vendors or partners. Fast Company’s Erin Schulte put together four of their best tips… lawyers listen up!
Create Stars
Attract the best talent. Digital companies are hiring–and in fact are in hot competition for certain types of employees. But you don’t have to be Google to attract top-tier talent. HUGE CEO Aaron Shapiro offers advice on luring the cream of the crop to your office.Hire based on spirit–not just skill. A leader can be coached on how to become more influential and engage their team to achieve great results; an employee can be trained for technical skills. But spirit is the set of "soft” skills that can’t be trained effectively. You have to hire for them. These are hard to find, but are necessary for a company to excel.
Motivate your employees with workplace flexibility. Organizations that employ a healthy and robust work/life flexibility will win the talent war. Start with these pain-free ways to move your company toward greater flexibility that benefits you as well as your employees.
Keep your MVPs. If your once-stellar employees are starting to shine a little less brightly, it may be time to rethink your approach to accountability and rewards. Interpersonal Frequency CEO Harish Rao suggests putting more focus on the relationship than the size of their paychecks.
Believe me… there is nothing better than working with people you like and respect. I have had enough years of doing the contrary and the former is the ONLY way to live. It means the difference in YOUR attitude and your clients experience. If your team isn’t where it should be… do something about it. Rotting fruit doesn’t get better with age.