October is in full swing and most of you are feeling the cooler weather (Miami… not so much!) Others are feeling the pressure of 4th quarter and wondering how your firm or practice is going to meet your 2011 projections. For me, October is the time I brainstorm and plan what the coming year will

Collaboration. When it works… it works! The outcome produced is far better than what could have been produced by either… alone.  Elton John & Bernie Taupin, Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak, Hepburn & Tracy… they all produced better work because they collaborated with the other. Each brought unique talent to the project that complemented

Grand gestures or small steps, getting others involved can boost your legal marketing efforts and help keep you on track.

 This week we asked: What are you doing to inspire legal marketing within your firm?

 1. Leading marketing and business development initiatives – 62%

2. Providing training and resources – 23%
