We never have enough time. There is no disputing the fact that there are only 24 hours in a day. So instead of wishing for more time our focus should be on how to maximize our time. Forbes contributor… The Muse has written an article… 3 Ways To Get More Out Of Every Single Hour
Stop procrastinating!
By Tom Kane on
Posted in Marketing Tips
I hate it when someone hits me side of the head to get my attention. BUT, it does work ya know. All week I’ve been procrastinating on this week’s post. Lo and behold I run across Ruth Carter’s post “Beat Back Procrastination” on Attorney at Work this morning. It got my attention.
Do you procrastinate…
Legal Business Development: What Are You Hiding From?
By Paula Black on
Posted in Marketing Time Commitment
"I’m not procrastinating… I’m really busy! No! Really!"
How many times have you said THAT! I know I have. We create this feverish pitch of activity trying to get everything done… but we know full well that there are things on that list we will NEVER get to… right? Some of those things don’t warrant…