Make it your lifestyle.
That’s it. Simple, huh?
It is according to Larry Smith and Richard Levick of Levick Strategic Communications in their 365 Marketing Meditations: Daily Lessons For Marketing & Communications Professionals. Their meditation for Wednesday of this week consists of just four words:
“Marketing is a lifestyle”.
For many lawyers that would mean a change in their behavior. At least their thinking. Marketing is not to be hated, nor, at a lawyers peril, ignored. It must become part of the lawyer’s very being.
When I was the head of marketing at one of my firms, I had the privilege of having one of the most brilliant lawyers I have ever known as my mentor and marketing partner. I remember his advice to a new crop of associates as we were introducing them to the concept of marketing as part of their orientation:
“Marketing is everything you do as a lawyer.”
He meant EVERYTHING. How a lawyer dresses, acts in public, treats other lawyers and clients, respects the “little” people they come in contact with everywhere, staff, etc. etc. Basically there isn’t any part of a lawyer’s life that doesn’t reflect on who they are as a person and professional.
In my 27 years of legal marketing, I don’t think I have heard anything simpler or more profound, and will never forget his words. So, if marketing is all about the whole person and their experience interacting with others, it truly is about lifestyle.
Enough said. And in just four words.