41% of lawyers need more time to devote to marketing. 55% of those same lawyers handle marketing themselves, which is potentially why they have a capacity problem to begin with.
Why This Is a Problem
The first group, which said they needed more capacity to devote to marketing, understood that there was something their firm should be doing but couldn’t. Very few lawyers—if any—believe that they have too much free time.
The second group, the 55%, understand they have a marketing need but are solving it incorrectly. One of the most ironic things about being an attorney is that your time is easily quantifiable. If you charge $450 an hour, how much are you making if you spend four hours a week posting on social media, writing blogs, and creating email newsletters? The opportunity cost of diverting your resources to marketing is too great. Just because an attorney can write a legal blog doesn’t mean they should.
How to Be More Efficient
A simple way to do more with less is through content multiplication. A big content marketing mistake many lawyers make is that they take one topic and try to jam every single possible scenario into it, resulting in one gigantic piece of content. The reality is that one idea does not equate to one piece of content. Here’s what the process could look like:
- You notice you’re getting the same question from your clients.
- You answer that question on a podcast.
- You pull the transcript from it and turn it into a blog.
- The blog is the subject of your email newsletter.
- The podcast video is cut up and posted on several social media platforms.
- The blog and newsletter are published on several social media platforms.
You’re getting the most out of every idea you have. This is also what Spotlight Branding for its clients. Because they know how valuable your time is, their goal has always been to generate a significant amount of educational and informative content while using the least amount of your time. For example, their copywriters have Quarterly Content Interviews (QCIs) with attorneys. During this time, they interview the attorneys about evergreen topics related to their practice areas. In 30-45 minutes, they can pull enough information to create content for you for three months. This could include writing several blogs a month, writing social media posts to cover you every day of the work week, and creating newsletters. This is content multiplication.
The key here is to get the most distance from every marketing initiative and generate each efficiently. Spotlight Branding accomplishes this through content multiplication and interviews, but the information is yours to use. Contact them here to talk about your firm and what you’re looking to accomplish through your marketing initiatives.