Whether a firm has an in-house marketing staff or not, it could benefit from the suggestions shared with other law firm marketers recently by Anne Malloy Tucker, the CMO at Goodwin Procter at a luncheon of the Legal Marketing Association, NE Chapter in Boston.
Anne’s talk “Facing Reality — Stretched Too Thin And Can’t Do It All,” was summarized and posted on Amy Campbell’s Web Log. Although intended for marketers in the audience, I realized that lawyers interested in advancing their legal marketing efforts can benefit just as much, to wit:
- Plan your strategy (to paraphrase the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland “if you do not know where you are going, any road will take you there”),
- Act on your strategy (figure out what part of your plan will be most effective and you can do quickly, then do it),
- Communicate your goals (let others, especially management know what you are doing in order to keep their support),
- Narrow your focus (look at your strengths in terms of your practice area(s), and keep them at the center of your business development efforts),
- Work with your firm on strengthening its web presence (emphasizing how in this day and age your web site is used to validate and compare your firm), and
- Measure, Measure, Measure (To coin the phrase attributed to Bob Thompson of CustomerThink.com “what gets measured is what gets done,” otherwise…..well, it don’t).