Kevin O’Keefe’s proposition that lawyers have a moral and social obligation to blog may be a bit of a reach, although on second reading, he really is saying that blogging is one avenue that can be used to meet the obligation imposed by ABA Model Rule 6.1 “to engage in public interest legal services.”

Other bloggers have taken up the clarion call for lawyers to meet their obligation by blogging, including Alex Barnett Blog and InhouseBlog (that cites more reasons to blog to which I concur). I would add that it is also a good marketing technique.
Now, as to whether blogging is the best source of information for the general public is still awaiting the jury, but I concur that blogs are definitely here to stay (Duh!), and indeed are a growing source of excellent information. So, lawyers could meet their obligation under the ABA Model Rules by contributing to public interest blogs, or join with other lawyers in contributing to a practice area blog that benefits the public. And get name recognition that could result in marketing benefits as well.