released its long-awaited eBook, BlawgWorld 2006: Capital of Big Ideas this week. It contains “thought-provoking essays from the most influential blawgs…” according Neil Squillante, the publisher of the eBook.
I was honored to be included , and my excerpt comes from my Top 10 Marketing Tips (actually only the Top 5 are included for space reasons, but there is a link back to my site where you find Nos. 6 through 10).
The reason for mentioning the eBook (other than the obvious self-promotion) is that you may want to really look at the other 50 sites. They run the gamut from practice area focused (like IP, family law, litigation, PI, etc.) to technology and management issues.
The point is that there are a number of these blawgs that you may find very interesting and full of information you could use. The eBook is free if you join at, where you can download your own copy. There are some steps you need to go through, and if you don’t want to receive all eight of their e-newsletters, you’ll need to opt-out, but it will be worth the effort to sign up in my opinion.