Are you one that just can’t seem to get around to marketing that you know you should be doing. You could schedule a marketing activity every day. It doesn’t have to be major, but it should be something no matter how small.
John Jantsch suggests making a daily appointment with yourself
to do some marketing. If you are one to make excuses that you just don’t have time for marketing, the answer may lie in your religiously setting aside time each day to do one or two small things. For instance:
*Call two or three contacts (clients, friends, referral sources, etc.),
*Find out about the next seminar or conference sponsored by a client’s trade association,
*Contact the trade group or local business organizations looking for opportunities to speak,
*Schedule a visit to a client or two over the next few weeks,
*Call a reporter for lunch, and
*Start an outline for an article.

The activity doesn’t have to consume a great deal of time. John suggests setting an hour aside, while I don’t realistically think that lawyers will set aside that much time on a daily basis. The important thing, though, is to do some marketing every day, no matter how minor. And by making an appointment with yourself may just get you into the habit of doing so.