Over the past week “Lean In” has sparked many conversations. The topic that topped the list is mentoring. I have had more conversation about mentoring then I have had all last year, put together. Whether it be with men or women, it seems that people define it differently. Some say it’s a formal program directed by their firm. Others say they selected someone to get close to, but never formally called it mentoring and yet others say they have had people in their corner championing their cause all their career.
No matter how they defined it, it was clear that everyone felt they benefited from it. I have talked about mentoring before… as a two way street. And the conversations this week reinforced that thinking. Several people pointed out that their mentors we from different
it I believe everyone could use someone in your corner. Someone to lend a voice of wisdom and give you feedback when you need it.
Well I hope that is not the majority of you out there. because my experience with those programs is it’s less then stellar. So what can you do abut it? Take matter into your own hands.