Why do we do anything? We do it out of obligation. We do it because we should. We do it because we’re getting paid. Let’s face it how often do we do it because… we want to.
What would you do if it were more fun? Yes, more fun. Anything… say as simple as walking up the stairs instead of using the escalator. Watch…
Think about putting fun into your business development efforts. Be creative… make it a challenge, a game or just plain FUN.
- A challenge – turn it into a Sherlock Holmes mystery to figure out.
- A game – how many referral sources can you meet in a month, and can you beat last month’s number.
- Fun – I love to listen to music and a friend gave me a collection of 35,000 songs… so I crank up the music when I have a project to work on (as I’m doing right now).
Be a kid again and get creative. I would love to hear what you’ve come up with. What could be your piano keys to the sky?