You’re generating leads, but many of them don’t seem to be the most qualified. Maybe you’re referring out more cases than you’re accepting. Or worse, maybe you’re taking on more cases you need in order to stay afloat rather than just taking the cases you actually want. All of these issues could involve your lead quality. Here’s how to make some improvements.

1. Accurately track your lead sources

Do you even know where your leads are coming from? If your CRM isn’t attributing a lead source to your leads, it’s going to be difficult to understand where they’re coming from and why they’re not a good fit. However, if you know (for example) that the majority of leads that found you on Google aren’t the right fit, you know you can make adjustments to your SEO strategy to potentially correct the issue.

Conversely, if you received three referrals for the exact type of work you enjoy doing, and they all came from your most recent email newsletter, then you know that marketing channel is working really well.

2. Create Targeted Content

If you’re constantly referring out work because it’s a case type you don’t like or it’s someone who can’t afford your services, it’s likely because you have content that is attracting those people. It’s time to change it.

Create content that covers the exact type of work you want to be known for. This will help you get seen as the expert in that specific area, which begins to remove price as a primary obstacle because people will spend more to work with who they perceive to be the best. Yes, it really is that simple!

3. Maximize Your Referrals

Your best source of leads will come from the people and sources who know you best—your past clients and strategic partners! You’ve either worked with these people in the past or you meet with them regularly. They know what you do well, which means they know exactly what kind of business to send your way.

However, this only works if you keep in touch with them and stay top-of-mind. That’s why email newsletters work so well. If done correctly, you not only resolve issue #2 of this article, but you also work towards maximizing the number of referrals you could (and should) be getting.