If you listen to the majority of legal marketing companies out there, they’ll likely tell you that the only way people are going to find your law firm is if you appease the Google gods and do a plethora of things to get Google’s attention. But that’s only because they want to sell you SEO services which can cost you thousands of dollars every month for the hope of being on the first page of a search.

And while plenty of people still search Google for law firms, there are other ways consumers are making their buying decisions these days.

1. Social Media

Sharing blogs, videos, and more from your website on your social media platforms is a super easy way to make sure people find you online. If you have a good number of X followers and LinkedIn connections, then your job is pretty easy.

Facebook, however, is where you can really get a lot of traffic to your website. Share the blogs and videos, and then boost those posts. Boosting is like creating a little ad that appears on people’s timelines. The best part is that you can create custom audiences so you can target the exact kind of people you want to visit your site.

2. Paid Ads

Whether you do this through social media or Google’s Pay-Per-Click platform, paid ads can virtually guarantee visibility and website traffic, especially if you pick the right spots to place your ads. For example, if you’re a business attorney, placing ads on your local city’s business journal website can potentially yield good results.

3. Network!

Even though we’re in an increasingly digital world, there’s still value in putting boots on the ground and meeting people. But outside of traditional networking mixers, there are things you can do to digitally network as well. Find ways to become a guest on influential podcasts or webinars. Participate in LinkedIn groups. Doing so can open you up to a new audience and drive people to your website.

This is also a great way to build your email list which, if you’re sending out a consistent email newsletter, can also help people find you. For example, someone who receives your email can forward it to a friend or colleague who may need legal help, thus expanding your network by referral.