When it comes to business development, the legal profession isn’t known for teamwork. It could be described more as track and field, rather than football. Each lawyer in the firm does what he or she does and at the end of the year they add up the score. Seldom is there strategy to leverage the
Legal Business Development: 2011 RESULTS
Results! Let’s face it… why take on a business development initiative if it doesn’t produce results? What’s the point? Results include everything that gets you close to: increased visibility, increased credibility and increased business development. These are the bricks that create a solid foundation for your practice to grow.
It is my privilege to work…
A Business Development Plan: Insurance Against Non-Believers
Last week I read a blog post by Seth Godin that has been on my mind for days. It’s sort of like that song you can’t get out of your head. Why? Well… first here is what Seth wrote…
"Dancing faster then ever, but why?
I just read a relentlessly snarky profile of the
Legal Marketing – Expectations and Results
Expectations and results . How do you define them when you are embarking on a marketing and business development initiative? It’s not easy because the tendency is to define results as cases in the door. That is like judging success only by a million dollar check. And we both know that is unrealistic.
I work…
Attorney Marketing: Your Marketing Plan Answers
Once you’ve answered Tuesday’s questions (and hopefully a few more of your own asking), you’ll be better able to rework and rethink your marketing plan to see even more results in the coming year. For instance… if you went the entire year without writing a single article but managed to reconnect with 5 old clients…
Law Firm Marketing: Put Your Legal Marketing Money in the Right Place!
This week we asked you…
Where are you spending your law firm marketing budget?
Most of my legal marketing budget goes to:
1. Firm events – 42%
2. Advertising – 7%
3. Public Relations – 18%
4. Pet Projects/Community Organizations – 21%
5. Entertaining clients (lunch, dinner, sporting events, etc…) – 12%
My Thoughts: As…
Legal Branding: The Two Legal Marketing Strategies You Need to Consider
The most important step in nurturing your referrals is figuring out who they are. Once you have a solid list it will make it easier to cultivate…
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Legal Marketing: Connecting with clients IS legal marketing
Relationships are the base of most successful marketing and business development efforts. If you make your interactions meaningful it will make your business development even easier…
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Attorney Marketing: Own Your Name On Google
When it comes to legal marketing the name of the game is visibility and credibility. There is no better place for you to be than the first page of Google…
Continue Reading Attorney Marketing: Own Your Name On Google
Legal Marketing: Narrow Your Legal Marketing Focus
Welcome back… On Tuesday we asked the questions… How have you spent your marketing time in the past and how do you plan to spend it in 2010?
Continue Reading Legal Marketing: Narrow Your Legal Marketing Focus