Now let’s think. If I wanted to do some really stupid things to hurt my chances of getting more legal business, and/or damage my reputation, as a lawyer what would they be. Here is my take on an article in Trey Ryder’s recent newsletter where he identifies a dozen blunders (with his suggestions on countering
marketing mistakes
7 Mistakes PI (and Other) Lawyers Make When Marketing
A lot of mistakes made by lawyers when it comes to marketing and business development are pretty simple, and simple to overcome. They just must be recognized and dealt with. A reader sent along an email, which led me to an article by Kenneth Hardison of the Personal Injury Lawyers Marketing and Managing Association (PILMMA)…
How to Lose Clients-Guaranteed
Everyone knows today that it is a buyers’ market when it comes to legal services. One only has to pay attention to the surveys reporting that clients are dropping law firms that no longer meet their needs in terms of responsiveness, costs, communications, and otherwise fail to meet their expectations.
I ran across an article…
Marketing Mistakes Lawyers Make – Part II
In addition to the three mentioned last time there are seven other mistakes that Daniel Barnett covers in his free eBook “Top Ten Marketing Mistakes Lawyers Make…and What You Should Be Doing Instead.” I agree with all of them, but want to particularly call my readers attention to the next three, and leave the remainder…
7 Costly Marketing Mistakes
Being aware of those mistakes to avoid can improve any law firm’s legal marketing, obviously. I ran across an article by consultant Robert Moment that appeared on that was written for service businesses generally; but can be helpful to lawyers as well.
Robert’s “7 Costly Marketing Mistakes Every Service Business Must Avoid” include:
- An inappropriate
Marketing for Law Firms – Suggestions and Mistakes
It’s a good time, as we begin a new year, to consider some basics when addressing legal marketing. I was asked this week by a freelance writer for CPAmerica International’s newsletter to respond to five questions for an article about “marketing for law firms.” Rather than present my answers in a lengthy post (which I really…