Yesterday, I gave a speech on personal branding and as part of what I do for this presentation… I googled everyone in the room. It’s eye opening for the people in the audience that seldom do it. How much of that first page is YOU? This is important to know since anyone that wants to
Forget About Web Sites, and Focus on Google Maps
That may be a bit strong. But not too far off for law firms that market to consumers vs. corporate firms. Tom O’Leary, a law firm internet marketing consultant, reports his clients are telling him that they are doing much better with Google Local Listings than with their web sites. In fact, some of his…
Attorney Branding: Do You Own Your Name On Google?
*Special Friday Post
When somebody Googles your name, what will they find? I had the privilege of speaking to the Young Lawyers Division of the Hillsborough Bar Association in Tampa, Florida yesterday… and I delivered them a bit of a wake up call. Prior to the speech, I had Googled each of the attendees……
Google Alerts and Google Profiles – Set Up Both Today
Over the past several weeks, I have been emphasizing during my client coaching calls how easy it is to set up Google Alerts for their business development targets (i.e., clients, referral sources and prospects). Then when they pick up tidbits of information about these targets, they can use it as an opportunity to make contact…