It’s been awhile since I harped on how important client satisfaction with their legal service provider is. Since starting this blog in January 2005, I have preached many, many times on how important feedback is for firms to retain existing clients or obtain referrals from them (See a few posts below on the subject).  It

The key to success in any business is providing value.  And in today’s competitive legal market, any law firm that doesn’t know that is not talking to their clients.  Much less are they in tune with their marketplace.

If you think you are providing value to your clients, but haven’t asked them, how would you

Because they like you.  They like you because you provide great value.  You provide great value because you care about your clients, about being efficient and reducing costs, helping them achieve their personal and business goals, and you give them freebies (i.e. free advice occasionally, CLE, and more).

The result: raving fans! Raving fans are

By giving clients an amazing experience we can not only drum up repeat business, but we can build a referral source for the future.

This week we asked: How do you think clients would rate your client service?

1) Terrible – 0%

2) Not great – 0%

3) Just OK – 31%

4) Pretty good

The more you know about your client and their business the more you are able to help them in ways that neither of you can see if you don’t. I’m NOT talking about their legal matter, I’m talking about the operation of their business, their customers, their strategy and business plans. As well as personnel

The question we are considering is: How many clients do you give something for free?


  1. None – 25%
  2. Less than 5% of my clients – 12%
  3. 6- 25% of my clients – 13%
  4. 26 – 50% of my clients – 25%
  5. More than 50% of my clients – 25%

Thanks to everyone

A client of mine during one of our weekly coaching sessions last week told me that she was not comfortable asking clients for work. At first, I was taken aback, since I’m thinking that it isn’t as tough as asking a prospect for work. I mean for goodness sake, it is a client that already knows and