Your rolodex (or equivalent) contains many potential sources of new legal work. If you’re like most people your contacts include clients, former clients, referral sources, potential clients, family, friends, classmates, etc. All can help you obtain new matters.
An article suggesting you “Roll Your Rolodex for New Clients” by Olivia Fox Cabane of Spitfire Communications appeared in Legal Times and Small Firm Business. A few of her ideas include: (and a comment from me, of course)
*Sort your contacts into categories (most contact management software will help here, if you haven’t done so already),
*Get rid of names of people you don’t recognize (careful with this one, as you may be having a “senior” moment; and you don’t want to wake up at 3:00 a.m. remembering who the contact was, but now don’t know how to reach them),
*Remember the “80/20” Rule in developing your Hot List of contacts (I have discussed the Pareto Rule before if you want to refresh), and
*After reviewing your contact list(s), plan your approach and purpose/goal in contacting them (contact two or three per week to schedule a meeting, lunch, or just send several some information they may be interested in).
Remember, I have talked about involving your staff in your legal marketing efforts in the past (here and here). This is a good way for your secretary/assistant to help – particularly as it relates to reviewing your “rolodex” and helping to categorize for you those she/he knows – but, there is no substitute for your personally going through your list, and planning how and why you will be contacting them.