The beginning of a new year is as good a time as any to take a look at your office as it might look to a visiting client or prospect. Yes, this is a legal marketing and business development issue. The image your office projects is very important, as I mentioned in my post “Work on Image for More Clients” that I did last spring.

Well, it seems that two bloggers I really like have recent posts on this topic as well. And they are not just about how your office looks but the visitor’s experience while there. Dan Hull at What About Clients? refers us to an article by Ann Macauley on making your office more client-friendly that appeared in the Canadian Bar Association’s CBA PracticeLink. The article is lengthy, but worth a read. Here are some topics covered:

  • Location and Signs
  • Reception Area
  • Greetings
  • Business Centre (for visitors)
  • Wireless Access
  • Designated Parking Spots
  • Magazines/Newsletters
  • Firm Brochure/Literature
  • Coffee and More
  • Cleanliness and Organization
  • Accessibility by the Disabled
  • Art
  • Plants/Floral Arrangements
  • Moot Court
  • Food and Drink

The other post was by Michelle Golden at Golden Practices. Her slant is based on an actual experience in visiting a new client’s office, and deals more with the behavioral side of things.

Both are worth reading, and will likely give you a few ideas about how you might improve the experience guests have when visiting your offices.