Every firm should have a web site, because in today’s world one is expected. Without one, many potential clients won’t regard you as a player. However, it should not be a glorified brochure or ad. Nor should it be an ego trip that talks about how great the lawyer or firm is.
Personal injury lawyer Ben Glass recently wrote about the success he has had with his web site, and gave pointers that apply to any firm. He says it is important to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise as part of your internet marketing. Potential clients want to know that you have the experience necessary to handle their problem. Your saying how great you or your firm is doesn’t mean anything.

So, he suggests:
1.useful articles about the areas of law that help the reader, and
2.talk about results.
I like to advise clients that they should include information about what they have done, and who they have done it for in a generic sense; i.e., “obtained defense verdict for national rental car company involving a $2 million accident claim.” Or, “handled a $20 million dollar real estate acquisition for a regional commercial developer.”
It beats the heck out of stating that your firm has existed since Methuselah, and has “extensive expertise” in (practice area), etc. etc. You can say some of that, but the focus needs to be on what a client or prospective client needs to know. That is, can you help them solve their problem, and have you done it before.