The answer is a simple NO. Actually HELL NO……… not to put it too strongly. I totally agree with Michelle Golden in her post commenting on Womble Carlyle’s “client service review” program, and I think she makes a nice distinction between a client feedback program and a client hustle program (my words not hers). During the former, one should not be selling the firm’s services.
Both are worth doing, but the goal of each should be transparent and honest. In my mind, you can’t ask a law firm client for feedback on “how the firm/attorneys are doing?” and “what can we do better?”, while at the same meeting and in the next breath say, “oh, by the way, can we also take on your employment litigation cases.”
You can do it, but it is bad legal marketing in my humble opinion. If I were the client, I would be offended and seriously question whether the law firm really is looking for honest feedback vs. pitching for more work. Each program has its time and place, but not in tandem.
Also, take a look at Michelle’s follow-up post yesterday on this and Gerry Riskin’s insight into the issue which appears on Jim Hassett’s Law Firm Business Development blog. If you are still with me, both are worth a read.