Joining and being active in organizations is one of my top ten marketing practices that I recommend for lawyers in any size firm. But, is the American Bar Association the right choice for small firms and solos? The new installed ABA President Michael S. Greco makes a case that it is.
He is the first guest on the inaugural program of “Coast to Coast” on LegalTalkNetwork. His segment begins with a question by Robert Ambrogi, one of the hosts, raising the issue of the relevancy of the ABA and its relatively high cost of membership for solos and small firms. Greco first states that 80% of U.S. lawyers in U.S. are solos or in small firms, and it is the fastest growing segment. Accordingly, the ABA has changed the General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Section to a Division, which he says will allow access to many more resources within the ABA.
As to the relevance and costs for small firms and solos, he highlighted the following advantages to membership:
*Advice on building and managing one’s law practice,
*Access to an array of publications and electronic information to help sharpen skills and keep knowledge up to date,
*Best CLE courses in the country,
*Opportunities to network with other lawyers and experts on troublesome cases, and
*Range of benefits (including health insurance, travel services, and discounts) that “alone pay for the dues.”
To listen to the program, click here. If you only want to listen to the part about small firms and solos fast forward to 11:30 of the recording. The segment is only 3 ½ minutes long and worth listening to.

Listen to the complete 15 minutes if you want to hear Mr. Greco’s discussion of his initiative to get funding for legal services to the poor in civil matters (especially relating to family, home and health issues).
As a follow-up to the broadcast Robert Ambrogi’s Lawsites quotes from an op-ed piece by Greco on the ABA efforts to better serve solos and small firm lawyers, and provides a link to a new portal for them.