A good way to make sure you undertake marketing every week is to schedule 5 marketing activities every Monday and don’t go home on Friday until you have done them. That is the advice from John Jantsch at Duct Tape Marketing who recommends scheduling the activities as if they were appointments. Some of his suggestions:
*Send 5 handwritten notes to thank clients for past business (I’d add referral sources also),
*Call 5 clients who you no longer are doing work for to check in and catch up,
*Call 5 current clients and solicit their advice on how you could provide better or additional services, and
*Call 5 prospects (this one is problematic for lawyers in light of ethics rules, but you could substitute referral sources. You could let them know about a new service or invite them to breakfast or lunch).
The important point is to schedule marketing activities every week, and don’t end your week until you have done at least 5 simple things. The effort each week will definitely pay off.