Referrals are the lifeblood of a healthy law firm. In fact, without them a firm will not survive, in my judgment. Whether referrals come from existing clients, other professionals, or just from people who know you, it is important to have a referral system as I have mentioned earlier to ensure the referrer is thanked. Of course, such a system needs to go beyond merely showing your appreciation. It needs a routine that involves seeking out and asking for referrals.
Now a new resource has become available that may assist with such a system. John Jantsch (from whom the idea for my earlier post came) admits to being a blogaholic and true to his nature has launched another blog he calls Referral Flood. He even has a book (and digital download) by the same name. Check out the topics cover. The book version runs $97 plus shipping, and download is $79.
In any event, stayed tuned as I am sure I will be getting ideas from John’s blog to share with you as well.