Certainly you know of someone who is looking for a job during these tough economic times, whether in our legal community or not. It appears that social media sites may be able to help
I’m learning more each day about the benefits of social media, and don’t pretend to have a full grasp of all its implications. It certainly has tremendous potential from a networking angle, although as I mentioned in my last post I still believe face-to-face networking is more effective.
But, clearly, it has the advantage of reaching a larger audience faster. Thus, thanks to my friend Ford Harding for steering me to Charles Brown at web marketing coach and his post on “7 Great Social Media Resources For Job Seekers.”
Here are some of the resources he talks about:
- A Social Media Strategy For Job Seekers – Part One by Charles Brown.
- How I Got My Job Through Twitter by Ann Handley.
- "Unemployed (or Preparing to Be)? These Sites Could Be Your Best Friends" by Bill Hurlbut.
- "7 Secrets to Getting Your Next Job Using Social Media," by Dan Schawbel.
- "Basic Facebook Strategy | 5 simple steps."
- "Twitter – The Second Most Important Social Network"
- Twitter Tips
If you are looking for a job or know someone who is, Brown’s post and the resources listed above are a must read.