Why?: I don’t believe newsletters are read as much as they once were, because
- Too much information at one time;
- Too much information inundating people’s lives, period;
- Too much email to read; and
- Too much work to do, leaving too little time to read.
Marketing Solution: Turn your newsletter into a blog.
- Shorter;
- Takes up less reader time;
- More focused on single subject (reader can quickly determine if interested);
- Can be done more frequently (and should); …
And according to Kevin O’Keefe of LexBlog (who created and hosts this blog), it allows:
- Cost savings – because of time saved, and reduced production expense;
- Less content – makes it easier for lawyers to create;
- Content distributed sooner vs. monthly or quarterly;
- Saves marketing staff time – lawyers can post directly to the blog;
- Broader audience – since search engines will find content that can be read around the world;
- Content distributed by RSS and email (readers can choose which);
- Readers can obtain RSS distribution on subjects they want using keywords and key phrases via Google Blog Search and Technorati;
- Potential media exposure – since reporters use key words to track blog topics as mentioned above; and
- Blog’s content is fully searchable – beats trying to locate an older article somewhere on your credenza.
If you or your firm uses newsletters as a business development tool, you might find that a blog is more powerful, cheaper, quicker and more efficient than a newsletter. Read more in Kevin’s post on "Converting a newsletter into a blog"