I talk too much. I know a lot of people who talk more than they listen. That’s a bad.
The adage comes to mind that the “person who talks the most is the one who thinks the meeting was the most successful.” Can’t remember where I got that one, but believe it based on personal experience. So, if a lawyer wants a client or prospect to think a meeting was a success (and end up hiring them), doesn’t it make sense for the lawyer to listen more than 50% of the time.
David Reich over on my 2 cents blog has a post on “Listening – The key component of Conversation.” He states:
“Listening is perhaps the most important part of conversation. If you’re not listening, then it’s a one-way communication. That’s not good in everyday life, and it’s certainly not good in marketing.”
“…The beauty of listening is that those who are listened to start to feel accepted, start taking their words more seriously and start discovering their true selves.”
More importantly,
“Listening is a form of spiritual hospitality by which you invite strangers to become friends…”
Clients hire lawyers they like and trust. All the more likely if you’re friends.