Over the past several weeks, I have been emphasizing during my client coaching calls how easy it is to set up Google Alerts for their business development targets (i.e., clients, referral sources and prospects). Then when they pick up tidbits of information about these targets, they can use it as an opportunity to make contact (borrowing from the real estate industry, the most important factor in personal services marketing is: contact, contact, contact) to build on an existing or desired relationship. Or use the Alerts to learn more about your competitors.
It should take you about 10 seconds to set up an Alert. You enter the name (put multiple words in quotes “ABC Corporation” or “Jane Doe”), leave “comprehensive” as is, select how often, and insert your email address. That’s it. You’re done.
As for Google Profiles, I ran across a post by John Jantsch today pointing to the value of creating your own Google Profile. It seems that if someone were to do a Google search for you, by having your own profile, you would “own as much of the real estate that pops up under you(r) name on page one” of the search results.
That is a good reason to create your profile today. I’m in the process of doing just that myself. And don’t forget to set up your Alerts also.
Happy googling.