The third law is the Law of Category. In the prior two posts I covered the Law of Perception and the Law of Leadership as they relate to successful legal marketing.

Thanks again to Trey Ryder for sharing these four laws based on Positioning: The Battle For Your Mind by Al Ries and Jack Strout.

The Law of Category is pretty simple, and is related to the Law of Leadership. Today’s question is: who was the third person to fly the Atlantic solo? Amelia Earhart. You may not remember she was third, but you remember her name. So, how come you remember her, but not the second person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean? Because she was the first in her category – that is, the first woman to do so.

Other examples include Charles Schwab, the first to open a discount brokerage; and Trey’s estate planning lawyer who didn’t target wealthy clients, but the first to target average consumers in the Phoenix market who could also benefit from living trusts.

As Trey states: “If you can’t be first in your existing category, create a new category in which you can be first.” Don’t wait or you may end up being second like Bert Hinkler.

Also remember. You can’t just be first, you have to actively market your category so your potential clients recognize your name and that you were first.