This is not another rant about how much I hate emails – unsolicited ones especially. Rant. Rant. Okay, I lied. It’s bad enough that the world is flooded with emails every day. The least you can do if you’re sending out eNewsletters or emails generally is to give them a chance of getting read before they are deleted.

Tom Matte has some advice in this regard, and it is: take time to think about a meaningful and attention grabbing subject line so at least you’ll have a fighting chance of having your emails opened.

Matte suggests several examples that he says are “examples of some good subject lines (best open rate, 60%-87%,” indicating that “information (was) provided by MailChimp analytics and research.” However, MailChimp’s resource page indicates open rates quite a bit less than that broken down for various industries, including legal.

Whatever the accurate open rate for emails, the concept of making the subject line interesting enough that it gets the recipients’ attention is a good one.