If your clients never meet you in person or come to your office, then it really doesn’t matter if your Internet image fails to conform to how your firm appears up close and personal. An unlikely scenario for most lawyers, I realize; but, it can happen. And, of course, your image is also conveyed by your performance. But, here I am talking about your/firm’s personal and professional appearance.

Nathan Burke raises the issue on LawFirmBlogging.com where he asks the question “Can Your Image Be Too Good?” referring to web sites that may be “setting the clients up for disappointment” when they get to see the real thing. Nathan uses the example of the simple, minimal (read boring) office vs. the flashy, high-end looking web site. I would carry the issue further.

That is, your brand should be reflected in all of your communication tools, as well as your office. There should be a consistent image projected in your brochure, newsletters, letterhead, logo, invoices, etc., and mirrored in your office and on your web site. Inconsistency can lead to disappointment and raise questions as to what your firm is really all about.