Not all efforts for developing business result in success. And no one should expect they would. As lawyers we were trained to not make mistakes, that failure isn’t an option. Business development, if it is undertaken at all, will not always get perfect results. Too many lawyers have a problem with that. As a result they don’t try.
Others realize that legal marketing is not a perfect art. So, they try and sometimes succeed. Other times not. Notwithstanding the outcome, appreciation is a great motivator. It can keep us at the wheel trying our best. These thoughts came as a result of a post entitled “Appreciating Talent” on Tom Peters’ blog. As is equally true for law firms, he reminds us:
“We hear all the time, ‘talent is important,’ ‘our people are important,’ or ‘our greatest assets are our people.’ We know that talent is the center of organizations. Without talented people, an organization will not be successful, can’t grow, won’t have great ideas, and will not be able to execute its strategy.”
Okay, but do firms show their appreciation to these talented people. Peters goes on to tell us that in a report of a poll of its members in a recent newsletter of the National Association of Women Business Owners, “24% said praise isn’t often awarded” at their workplaces.
What a shame. Not only should successful marketing be praised and rewarded, but business development efforts by people (attorneys and staff) in every firm should be as well.