In a recent post, I focused on lawyers undertaking business development “their way,” since every individual prefers their comfort zone, and it is unlikely, especially in the case of lawyers, that they’ll do things they do not want to do.

As a follow on to that post, I wanted to call your attention to a thought provoking article by Stephanie West Allen that appeared in the January 2004 issue of  “Of Counsel: The Legal Practice and Management Report” that addressed the subject in more depth. The article entitled “Maximize Firm Resources With Customized Business Development Plans” delves into lawyer aptitudes and personalities which can help a firm “facilitate each lawyer’s most successful and comfortable way of business development.”  And avoid wasting valuable firm resources.

Stephanie discusses subjective vs. objective personality types, and extroverts vs. introverts, as well as inductive vs. deductive reasoning abilities. As she correctly points out:

“…So many means of developing clients are available. Networking, strategic alliances, seminars, and public speaking will be best suited to some. Establishing expertise in alternative ways, such as writing articles, newsletters, or creating other information products, may be best suited to others. All lawyers can and should have their own tailored suite of methods allowing optimum potential for bringing in the greatest number of clients.”

I love her quote: “Never try to teach a pig to sing; it is a waste of time of your time, and it really annoys the pig.” Good advice. And to minimize lawyer annoyance, a customized business development approach is the better way to go.  Take a look at her article.