Humberto Cruz, the author of “The Savings Game,” a financial column that appears in a number of newspapers, had an article last week in my local paper entitled “That advice for bad times? It’s not just for bad times.” (at least that was its title in my local paper) “Continue Reading” below if you want to read about Cruz’s financial suggestions.
The point is that the article got me thinking about how the principle works just as well for lawyers. Simply put, what works best for lawyers in a down economy, works just as well in good times – albeit less urgently.
Effective marketing and business developments works any time. That brings me back to my top 10 best marketing tips, which are:
No. 10 – Be Active In Organizations
No. 9 – Networking With Super-Connectors
No. 8 – Take A Reporter To Lunch
No. 7 – Write Articles of Interest
No. 6 – Talk It Up With More Speeches
No. 5 – Communicate Often
No. 4 – Offer To Make Proposal
No. 3 – Seek Client Feedback Often
No. 2 – Entertain Your Client
No. 1 – Visit Your Clients
Whether or not the current down economy is adversely impacting your law practice, these tips will help you develop more business.
Humberto Cruz’s financial suggestions in good or bad times include:
- Get a handle on your spending,
- Build an emergency fund,
- Contribute to retirement plans (more so in a down economy),
- Have an emergency fund,
- Don’t use credit cards for what you can’t afford to buy,
- Reduce expenditures when you already have plenty of debt,
- Combine trips to avoid wasting gas,
- Use product coupons, and
- Get rid of items in yard sales or give to charity.
Not rocket science for sure, but some helpful tips nonetheless.